On Monday, Ankita Lokhande shared the heartbreaking news of her pet dog Scotch’s demise, reportedly gifted to her by her former partner, the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Taking to Instagram, Ankita posted a poignant message alongside a picture of Scotch, expressing her deep sorrow: “Hey buddy mamma will miss you so much Rest in peace scotch .”
The news of Scotch’s passing prompted an outpouring of condolences from Ankita’s fans and social media followers, who speculated that the loyal dog had waited for her return from the Bigg Boss 17 house before saying his final goodbye. One fan empathetically commented, “ So sorry. .. he waited for you . . To say his final goodbye . . I know this loss is heartbreaking. . Really sorry to hear this.”
Ankita, known for sharing adorable moments with her two Labrador dogs, Scotch and Hatchi, on Instagram, enjoyed a considerable following for Scotch, who even had his own dedicated fan page on social media.
Recalling the sentimental attachment, Sushant reportedly gifted Scotch to Ankita during their time working together on the show Pavitra Rishta. Reflecting on this, a fan nostalgically remarked, “I remember this is a dog she got during Pavitra Rishta so both Sushant and her emotions were attached to it.” Some fans also reminisced about Sushant’s dog Fudge, expressing their belief that Scotch and Fudge are now together, watching over their loved ones from above.
Ankita’s husband Vicky also shared his grief on social media, writing, “Will miss you, Scotch.” Ankita recently emerged as one of the top five finalists of Bigg Boss 17, where she participated alongside Vicky. Her upcoming project, Veer Savarkar, starring alongside Randeep Hooda, is slated for release on March 22.